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Kamis, 10 November 2011


CLOUD COMPUTING DEFINITIONS CLOUD COMPUTING Cloud computing or cloud computing in the Indonesian language is the combined use of computer technology ('computing') and the development of Internet-based ('cloud'). Cloud (cloud) is metefora from the internet, as clouds are often depicted in computer network diagrams. As the cloud in computer network diagrams, the cloud (cloud) in a Cloud Computing infrastructure is also an abstraction of the complex was hiding. Cloud computing is known as the Internet cloud is actually a concept at this new technology that allows users of IT, or better known as a user, for use of IT products in the form of a service, with this concept the company or organization service users no longer need think of technology infrastructure, training to experts,...


STATE CIVILIZED By : Saeful Bahri INTRODUCTION Humans are social beings, humans can not live without others, people will always need someone else in her life. The existence of the State in human life is important. State as a container in human life so that people can run their lives with regularity, without a disputes and human social peace can be maintained. The reason is what makes the State as an institution that is important for human beings are social. In a society that has diverse interests, the state serves to organize these interests in order to create a social harmony. In addition the country is characterized by its authority to compel the law in order to limit its use with the process of social order can be run well. A civilized country is the dream of...


INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION By: Saeful Bahri Students Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, tarbiyah science faculty and teacher I. INTRODUCTION   Since the onset of the reform movement and demokratisaasi in Indonesia in the late 1990s that it has formally ended the arrangement and instrumentation pseudo democracy in the era of the new order, and slowly climbed the order of a new era of reform, began to develop thinking and the need merekonseptualisasi meresponsisi civic education in context of democratic education in a fundamental sense. And in accordance with the laws no. 2 of 1989 on national education systems in higher education curriculum has been assigned the subject of civic education...

Grouping Information Technologi

GROUPING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY by : Saeful Bahri     It is known that information technology including computer technology and communication technology, more detailed information technologies can be grouped into several sections, among others, as follows. Technology Input (input technology) Namely technology-related equipment to enter data into the system PC (Personal Computer), maybe we are familiar with a keyboard whose name this is one tool of this technology. Processing technologies (processing technology) This technology is known as the processing engine, which is the brain of the computer, this is what we used to we are familiar with the CPU (central processing unit), microprocessor, or processor.Thus, the computer system can not function without...

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