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Selasa, 08 November 2011


    Information technology is evolving so rapidly and we have felt its impact. So many of the ease with which we have received, ranging from ease of getting information, to the ease of providing information to others, whether it be by telephone, mobile phone, up to the internet. Then ease in transaction via credit card or debit Karti, and the ease of taking money at the ATM. All of this is the impact of information technology development.
    With the kemudan-ease, many people who do not want to be left with pasilitas progress that era, as a result many people are flocking to adjust themselves so as not exactly outdated, or clueless (stuttering technology).
    To identify and explore the potential of information technology we can achieve with ease, we can learn via the Internet (e-learning), reading books via the Internet (e-book), it is also thanks to the advancement of information technology. Ease of accessing information without limit, if not the world within and the effects are very large have been created by information technology.
    Before we go into the definitions of information technology from various sources, first we talk about the history of information. In the early history of information, human information exchange through language. Then the language is technology. Language allows one to understand the information conveyed by others. But the language is passed from mouth to mouth only lasted a short time, ie only when the sender communicate information through words alone. After the speech was finished, then the information in the hands of the recipient it will be forgotten and can not be stored longer. Besides voice coverage is also limited. For a certain distance, though still audible, the information conveyed through language will sound degraded even disappear altogether. But along with perputran time, any information penyampain technology develops. From the language evolved into penyampain said information using images. As Eddy Harianto opinion stated, "After that information delivery technology developed through pictures. With a range of images could be further information. This image can be portable and can be delivered to the person's lainSelain existing information will last longer. Some pictures of ancient human beings still exist today so that people now can (try to) understand the information to be conveyed its maker. "
      After knowing the history of technology and information, then what is information technology according to experts. Is as follows:
  1. Keen den Haag (1996), Information Technology is a set of tools that help you work with information and perform tasks related to information processing.
  2. Martin (1999), Information Technology is not just limited to computer technology (hardware or software) used to process and menyimpaninformasi, but also includes communications technology to transmit information.
  3. Williams and Swayer (2003), Information Technology is a technology that combines computing (computer) with high-speed communication lines that carry data, voice and video.
  4. McKeown, (2001), information technology refers to all forms telcnologi used to create. store, modify, and use the information in all its forms.

    From the definition above shows that information technology either implicitly (implicit) or explicit (explicit) form tekologi not just computers, but also telecommunications technology.
    So on the basis of any expert opinions about information technology, the most important is how we can harness these advances as a tool that supports all the activities and facilitate the work in all aspects of life, both Economic Aspects, Aspects of Education, and Aspects of Government.
    1). Agus Stiawan interview, Introduction to Information Technology, 2009, http / / www.docstoc.com/

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