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Kamis, 10 November 2011


By : Saeful Bahri
Humans are social beings, humans can not live without others, people will always need someone else in her life. The existence of the State in human life is important. State as a container in human life so that people can run their lives with regularity, without a disputes and human social peace can be maintained. The reason is what makes the State as an institution that is important for human beings are social.
In a society that has diverse interests, the state serves to organize these interests in order to create a social harmony. In addition the country is characterized by its authority to compel the law in order to limit its use with the process of social order can be run well.
A civilized country is the dream of every citizen. Before building a civilized country we need to know in advance the basic concepts of state, elements of state, state formation theory, form a state, religion and state, the concept of the relation between religion and state in Islam following empirical experience in several Muslim countries, Europe, America Indonesia and the country as well as how to prevent the disintegration of the nation.

1). Definition of State
The term state is a translation of a foreign language: state (UK), staat (Netherlands and Germany) or etat (France). This word comes from the Latin status or statum who have understanding about the circumstances and remain upright. The term is often associated with the position of living communion between people which is called by the term civitas status or status republicae. It is this last notion is then associated with the word state.
  • In the terminology: the State is defined as the highest organization among a group of people with aspirations to unite, live in an area and have a sovereign government.
  • According to Roger. H. Soultou:
State is a blend of tools (agency) and authority (autorithy) that regulate and control issues together.
  • According to Harold J. Laski:
Countries as a group of people who live together to achieve a common goal
  • According to Max Weber:
The state is a society that has a monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force within a region
  • According to Robert M. Mac Iver:
State is an association that organizes the order of a society in a region through a legal system organized by a government to enter is given the authority to compel.
According to most scholars of modern political Islam, do not find that formula (qothi) about the concept of the State.
2). Destination Country
    1. Extending the power
    2. Conducting legal order
    3. Achieving common prosperity

In the context of Indonesia, the state's purpose in accordance with the opening of the 1945 Constitution is to promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation and participate in the establishment of world order based on freedom, abiding peace and social justice.
In Islam, by Ibn Arabi states the purpose is so that people can run their lives well, away from disputes and maintain the intervention of foreign parties. Meanwhile, according to Ibn Kaldum goal is to seek the benefit of the state religion and the world that lead to the interests of the hereafter.
3). Elements of the State
Constituent elements of a country are:
  1. People
Namely a set of human beings who are united by a sense of equality and jointly inhabit a given territory.
  1. Region
That element of the state that must be met because there could be no state without territorial boundaries are clear. In the concept of the modern state of their respective boundaries are set out in treaties and international legislation.
  1. Government
Namely the completeness of the state organization charged with leading the country to achieve a common goal the establishment of a state.
Governments are generally divided into two forms of parliamentary and presidential. Countries with presidential systems are formed as a republic with a president as head of state and head of government. Countries with parliamentary systems have a president as head of state and prime minister as head of government.
  1. Recognition of Other Countries
Based on the declarative theory, if a political community has had three main elements of the state, then by itself has become a state, which therefore should be treated as a sovereign state. Constitutive theory holds that no matter how the main elements of the state has been owned by a political society, but it is not automatically accepted as a state in the midst of the international community.
There are two kinds of recognition of a country, namely the recognition of de facto and de jure. Recognition of de facto recognition of the fact that there are countries while de jure recognition is the recognition of the validity of a country on the basis of judicial consideration according to law.
  1. THEORY OF THE STATE formation
  1. Social Contract Theory (Social Contrac)
This theory is also called the theory of the agreement, the public assumes that the state established by the treaties in the tradition of western society. Adherents of this theory are:
    1. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
According to Hobbes there is a variety called pactum subjectionis agreement or an agreement to surrender all the rights of nature at the same time giving full power to not be matched by any power (Non est potestas Super Terram quae Comparatur ei)
    1. John Locke
According to Locke's head of state or state officials should be limited through the social contract, there are natural rights which are rights-rights that citizens can not be removed even by each individual. Relying on this view Locke adds pactum subjectionis contract as it has been formulated by Hobbes at the top with what is termed pactum unionists or an agreement to join the citizens of a community to gain comfort, safety, peace in life together.
    1. Jean Jacques Rousseau
According to Rousseau, he knows only one kind of agreement that is pactum unionists which is a form of real community agreement. Rousseau did not recognize pactun subjectionis in the formation of a state or government are adhered to. Rousseau is known as the foundation stone of gentleness form of state sovereignty in the hands of the people through representatives of their political organization and is known as the originator of the springs understand democracy in which popular sovereignty of the people sovereign and ruler of the country is only a representative of the people implementing the mandate together.
  1. Theory of Belief (Theocracy)

This doctrine holds that the rights are owned by the king to rule comes from God, they have the mandate of God to the throne as a ruler (Devine Right of Kings). They claim to be representative of God in the world that power accountable only to God not to man. This theocratic view evolved into dominant understand that there is no separation between religion and state in Islam. As occurred in the Western world who embrace the Christian religion as well as experience the power of theocracy in the west, the ruler of the Islamic theocracy face of opposition from groups of anti-royal. According to modern and contemporary Muslim thought in the Islamic powers must be accountable both to God and people.
  1. Theory of Power

Simply put this theory can be interpreted that the state is formed due to the dominance of strong nations through colonialism. According to this theory, the strength of the justification of the formation of a state. Through the process of conquest and occupation by an ethnic group or for specific groups began the process of establishing a state in other words the formation of a country as fights kukuatan where the winner has the power to form a state.

  1. Unitary State (Unitarianism)
That is the form of an independent and sovereign state with a powerful central government and set the entire region. Unitary state is divided into two kinds of government systems
    1. Centralized System
Namely the system of government that directly led by the central government and local governments implement central government policies
    1. Decentralized System
The head region are given the opportunity and authority to administer its own affairs or known diwilayahnya government with regional autonomy (suatantara)
  1. Union (Federation)
That is a form of joint state consisting of several states of the union state. Initially the state is a sovereign independent state and independent, having joined the union on its own nation state is releasing some of its power and handed it to the state union, known by the term limitatif (one by one).
Form of the state is classified into 3 groups according to the implementers and the selection mechanism:
  1. Monarchy
Governance model that is headed by the king or queen. Monarchy is also divided into two, namely the absolute monarchy as a government run by Saudi Arabia are the two that is a constitutional monarchy that is run by Japanese and English.
  1. Oligarchy
Government that is run by some people in power of a particular class or group.
  1. Democracy
That form of government rests on popular sovereignty or basing their authority on the choice and the will of the people through electoral mechanisms that take place in an honest, safe, free and fair

Indonaesia State in accordance with the constitution as an obligation to ensure and protect all Indonesian citizens without exception. Countries are also obliged to ensure and protect the rights of citizens in accordance with religious beliefs, right to education, freedom of association and expression.
  • Relationships Religion and Citizens: The Case of Islam
In the case of the Islamic world, is still an intense debate among Muslim scholars. According to Azyumardi Azra, the tension of debate about the relationship between religion and state in Islam fueled by a very awkward relationship between Islam as a religion and state. The debate over Islam and the state depart from the dominant view of Islam as a comprehensive system of life regulate human life, including political issues.
According to Ibn Thaimiyah, if any, that government is simply a tool to convey the religion and power is not the religion itself. In other words, politics or the state in Islam is to religion as a tool rather than the existence of the religion of Islam
The relationship between Islam and the modern state theoretically:
    1. Paradigm Integralistic

Adopts this paradigm and the concept of religion and state is a unity that can not be separated, the concept of religion-state which means that the life of a state governed by law and the principle of religious
    1. Symbiotic Paradigm

According to this paradigm, the relationship between religion and state are in a position menbutuhkan mutual and reciprocal or symbiotic mutualitik. In this case, religion needs the state as an instrument in preserving and developing the state religion and vice versa also need religion because it helps the state in moral development, ethics and spirituality of its citizens.
    1. Paradigm Sekuralistik

According to this paradigm, religion and state are two different forms with each other and each has a claim, so that its existence should and should not be separated from each other to intervene. The state is a public affairs and religion is a private sphere of individual citizens.
  • Relationships Religion and State in Indonesia

Religion and State Relations in Indonesia more adheres to the principle of dynamic balance, a middle ground between secularism and theocracy. Dynamic balance is no separation of religion and politics, but each can co-exist with any role. Religions have the power remains critical of states and countries have the obligations of religion, in other words, the pattern of relationship between religion and state in Indonesia adopt-symbiotic mutualism
  1. SYMPTOMS disintegration

State has the potential for support of the democratic process that manifests as a guide for today's global and can also be a threat to the democratic process if it appears as a repressive force and dominate many aspects of life of the nation, to sustain the process of democratization, the state as an important component in it should provide facilities democracy such as freedom of press, freedom of association, freedom of speech and of expression as well as increased public facilities and public areas are free to facilitate the diverse opinions of citizens. Demokarasi who aspired to the founders of the Indonesian nation is not only unlimited freedom, but freedom is responsible. Religion as believed by many adherents to the moral teaching of individual and social responsibility.

Humans as social beings requires the presence of a state. State is the highest organization in a group of people with aspirations to unite and live in an area having a sovereign government. In the conception of Islam, Islam teaches many values ​​and ethics should state how it was built and raised. In Indonesia, a country which is constitutionally not an Islamic state or a state religion because it has a significant and important role in shaping the character of Indonesia as a nation state. Relationship between religion and state in Indonesia adheres to the relationship and symbiotic mutualism, citizens have an important authority and bargaining power against the state for always and continues to control the process of administering the state to remain in accordance with the constitution and laws applicable. In other words, the important role attached to its citizens is to always be in control of every process of the country in order to remain consistent in the establishment of the state primary goal of promoting the welfare of its people.
Azra, Azyumardi, democracy, human rights, and civil society (Jakarta: Prenada Media, 2000)
Rozak, abdul, democracy, human rights, and civil society (Jakarta: ICCE) UIN
Sharif Hidayatullah in collaboration with The Asia Foundation, Second Revised Edition. 2006
Ubaidillah, A, et al. Citizenship education. Jakarta: IAIN Jakarta Press. 2000

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